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مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس باقلام نجباء مصر

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  • اختياره هو
    • 23-06-2009
    • 5311

    رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

    Ramadan 15th 1432

    August 16, 2011 3:26 am

    Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (15th of Ramadan, 1432)

    Today was business as usual at the Safa channel. From the first moment we walked in, all those who spread hatred and dua against Shia, were smiling and shaking hands, giving their masked salams. Wasabi immediately started making fun of me that I trimmed my beard, he gave me a strange look and began laughing and speaking in arabic to one of the stage hands behind a desk. But for the most part, every one at the studio was being extra nice to us, and they had even cleaned up the restroom-type room and added a few more chairs for us.

    The production manager of the studio sat with us all throughout the show, and he was laid back, joked around a lot….he said Mohammad Saber is running for Egyptian President, but that wasn’t a joke. We asked several times to make sure, but it seems that the host of the show, Mohammad Saber is running for president.

    The show began, and it was a frustrating show to say the least. This show they really worked hard to cut into Uncle Showky’s time, not giving him near the time they gave Wasabi, and they even took a call from a Sheikh at the end, taking up the last 10-15 minutes and then they wrapped up the show, it was quite funny, as we looked at each other and said, “Okay that’s the end of our show…..!”

    Right before the show was over, Zoghby and his goons came into the studio. His helper made a special trip into the restroom-type room, to say salam to us and give us his trademark smile. It is quite sickening how these people talk about Shia, the propaganda they push on the internet and t.v., talking about how they are going to round up every Shia, and then when they have five right in front of them, they just smile, kiss cheeks, and invite them to Ifhtar.

    Speaking of the Ifhtar meeting, the Ansar told Uncle Showky to not attend, and at the end of the show, Zoghby was cornering Showky, trying to get him to commit to the meeting, and Showky ended up turning down the meeting over the phone as we were heading home.

    When Wasabi came out of the studio, he immediately began making fun of my beard again, and saying things like “Now you are a true Shia, let me go get you a knife, and you can cut your head and go to heaven!” He made several other remarks, and I was talking back to him in English, he was talking to me in arabic, and everyone else seemed to enjoy the exchange. This Wasabi guy….I think it’s time to exchange with him, and I only pray I can bother him as much as he bothers me.

    Mohammad Saber came out towards the end, and I said, “HEY SABER, I HEARD YOU ARE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!” He smiled and said “Yes, thank you!”. I started laughing and asked one of the stage hands if people would really vote for him. He started smiling and said, “Yes, many will….” I asked him if he would vote for him, and he started laughing and shaking his head “NO!”.

    There was no meeting today about the bribe they offered Showky yesterday, but we will post any new updates if they come, InshaAllah. Although there were some indirect hints at the bribe as brother Showky said.

    Allahuma salle ala Muhammad, wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen wa salam Tasleema Katheera

    - Update by brother Joseph “Yousef”
    السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


    • اختياره هو
      • 23-06-2009
      • 5311

      رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

      Ramadan 16th 1432

      August 18, 2011 1:14 am

      Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (16th of Ramadan, 1432)

      We apologize that we could not post the blog from last night, as we have been trying to keep you all up-to-date with each day. So here are a few things that took place over at the Safa studio.

      As many of you know, Safa started the show almost a half an hour late, but many of you may not know the reason behind this. Literally 10 seconds before the show started, as they were counting down for Mohammad Saber, there was a huge argument that broke out on the set. They were arguing because Uncle Showky wanted to speak and reply back to the Sheikh that had called in the night before, but the director of Safa and Mohammad Saber was refusing, and said that in no way could he talk about it, and that they had complete control over what will be said. Uncle Showky was furious and spoke his mind, and Showky said that Saber stood up and puffed his chest up, as if he wanted to intimidate Showky, and Showky started laughing and said “Go play outside!”.

      They cut into Showky’s time again in a major way, and at the end of the show, Mohammd Saber came out extremely angry saying, “Showky thinks he is the manager of the show, he thinks he is the manager of the channel!” The Director offered Uncle Showky an opportunity to exit the show without any (PENALTIES) occuring, and no doubt one can say the tensions are very high right now.

      Today, the 17th of Ramadan, there was a lot of concern throughout the day, and we decided that for the first time since the debate has started, that all the Ansar would go to the studio tonight. There was seven of us that crammed into Zizzou’s car… Showky, Ahmed Showky, Zizzou, Tito, Abdullah, Ali, and myself. Why is this?

      Since Dhuhr and Asr, Zoghby’s assistant had called Uncle Showky over 15 times, insisting and being very aggressive that we all attend dinner with them after the show tonight, as Zoghby said Showky gave him his promise and it was very important for us to attend. They told Showky that if you do not want to go, that is no matter, we will all be gathered outside of the studio after the show, and force you to go to dinner with us, as we have spent a great deal of money preparing for this.

      Let’s make one thing clear…Uncle Showky said “InshaAllah” in regards to attending the Ifhtar, and the Arabic Ansar do not want us to attend, and we feel the same way. That is why we are all going tonight, as we will not be forced to do anything that we do not want to do, or deem not to be safe. InshaAllah the presence of foreigners will discourage them from grabbing arms and leading to cars, (even if they make it look like they are joking) because truth is, this is no joke.

      One thing is becoming very clear, they are cutting into Uncle Showky’s time in a big way on the show, trying to bribe and intimidate him to leave the show early, and back stage they have been prying heavily, trying to get us to join them outside the studio, and wanting as much personal information as they can get. InshaAllah (swt) the Ansar will come out through this debate safely, and the message will be heard.

      Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera.
      السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


      • اختياره هو
        • 23-06-2009
        • 5311

        رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

        Ramadan 17th 1432

        August 18, 2011 1:15 am

        Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (17th of Ramadan, 1432)

        Tensions were high this evening, as the seven of us piled into Zizzou’s car, and made our way towards the Safa Studio. We had a great Ifhtar Alhamdulillah, but you could tell the uncertainty of what would happen tonight was on everyone’s mind, and Showky looked like he had so much running through his head. MashAllah Uncle Showky has been handling everything so well, and how frustrating would it be, if we had Zoghby and his goons calling us over 15 times in a day, prying into our day to day lives, and aggressively insisting that we meet them at an unknown territory.

        The seven of us walking into the studio attracted a lot of attention, and immediately one of the stage hands grabbed Uncle Showky and asked him to sit, and then told us all to go into the restroom-type room. The manager of the studio and another man asked Uncle Showky about the dinner, and Alhamdulillah, supposedly it was settled right away that we would not be attending.

        The show started on time today, and of course they immediately began cutting into Showky’s time again. As Showky would try to answer the list of questions they had prepared for him, they began asking more questions and cutting into his answers. A quarter of the way through, a huge Sheikh and Zoghby’s right hand came into the room with us, and stood in the middle of the room quietly watching the t.v. We all looked at each other and remained quiet, and then the Sheikh was called out of the room and the young man found himself in the room with us, not quite knowing what to say or do. Then one of the stage hands at the studio came in and grabbed his arm and said, “you need to come out here with us”. The young man said, “the manager said I could come in here”, and the guy said, “no you need to come out here”. But this time, they left the door opened, and many were looking in at us.

        Somebody came in and asked Abdullah to talk, and they went in the main room for a moment, then he took him into the office and Zizzou followed him in. After the show, we walked in there, and it was none other than Zoghby, who was in there talking with Abdullah about several things………..

        After that odd experience, we all took off, and not a moment after leaving the studio compound, we noticed a shaking in the front of the car. I said, “Zizzou is your tire flat!” We got out, and sure enough…his front passenger tire was flat. We all got out on the side of the road and was changing it wondering…could it be that the tire was wore down and finally went flat, or could it be that it was tampered with at the studio? Allahu Alam, we don’t want to make assumptions, it’s just the timing of it going flat I suppose.

        With everything that is going on, there is no doubt that everyone is a bit on edge. We recognize that things are turning very strange at the studio, very quickly. Also something that we realized tonight, is the fact that this show is being seen by many, and aired several times a day. It could be that even where we live, while we are walking in the streets, people could recognize Showky and say, “hey that’s that Shia that has been on the Safa channel!!!”

        InshaAllah (swt) I’m just being paranoid and Allah (swt) will keep him and the Ansar here in Egypt safe, and we ask that you all continue keep us in your prayer and du’a, and keep close to what is happening here. We will do our best to make sure updates are coming in the night of the show, InshaAllah.

        Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera
        السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


        • اختياره هو
          • 23-06-2009
          • 5311

          رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

          Ramadan 18th 1432

          August 19, 2011 12:26 am

          Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (18th of Ramadan, 1432)

          Today things were a bit more calm at the studio, as Zoghby and his crew were not there for whatever reason. We all arrived about five minutes before the show, and Uncle Showky was taken straight back to the studio, and we went into the restroom-type room to watch the show. This was about the third day straight that they had someone sit with us the entire show, perhaps to keep an eye on us and try to hear what we are saying, Allahu Alam. The person sitting with us today was a younger man, looks like someone who just answers phones and keeps a look-out on things. He was pretty quiet, and from time to time would let out an annoying laugh at Showky, or whenever he thought the debate was in their favor.

          There was a new character in the studio tonight, an older man in a suit, looked straight-up reptillian, you can ask anyone there. Just didn’t look human at all…

          The format for the show was a bit different tonight, as there was a lot more back and forth than there has been over the past few days. Uncle Showky and Wasabi got into it twice throughout the show, both times resulting into a commercial (shia hate campaign) break. In one exchange, Showky was very upset and was saying something about Zoghby, and Wasabi began mocking him saying “Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!”

          To our understanding, nothing was mentioned today about the bribe or anything else regarding stepping away from the show, so InshaAllah (swt) the rest of the debate will go through and we will come out the other side safely. No doubt Uncle Showky has had a lot of weight on his mind over these past few days, and he could use all your support and prayers.

          Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera.
          السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


          • اختياره هو
            • 23-06-2009
            • 5311

            رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

            Ramadan 19th 1432

            August 20, 2011 2:49 am

            In the Name of Allah the One the Conqueror,

            Today was the day Imam Ali a.s. was hit by a sword while praying by the cursed AbdelRahman ibn Muljam. The Ansar broke their fast and then I turned on the TV to watch what was on Safa channel. I found that the channel was not available. I asked Showky about it and he said it was a satellite problem and we needed to get someone to fix it. I changed the channel and to my surprise all the other channels were working except for Safa. At this point I told uncle Showky about this matter and we all immediately began to wonder if the government had not shut down the channel. We knew it was either that or there were problems at the station. Last year the Egyptian government shut down the channel for being too fanatical and for inciting people to violence during the Ansar versus Sheikh Adnan Arour debate on the same show last year with Ansari Abdel Aal Salima.

            Showky called Safa to see if we should even go to the show tonight and they said yes come. He was a bit nervous and wondered if the police shut down the station and was waiting on us. He called back and asked what happened to the station and they said Iran had a plane flying over causing disturbances to frequency of the station because it was inciting violence and was against Syria. We went to the show and it was all good although I could not watch the show because it was not on the sat. stations there. We took this opportunity to discuss Shia Islam with some of the workers there who are not salafis or extremists and are simply there for a paycheck. The outcome was very satisfyng as no one could answer back to the logical points me and Mohammed Hossam had about Shia Islam. In the end they admitted the channel is very biased and with an agenda and inshallah they will think more about the Ahlul Bayt.

            Update by Abdullah Hashem
            السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


            • اختياره هو
              • 23-06-2009
              • 5311

              رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

              Ramadan 20th 1432

              August 22, 2011 3:35 am

              In the Name of Allah, the One, the Conqueror

              Today we had another flat tire. The show was being distorted again and was not broadcast on Safa. It was weird and uncomfortable…..
              السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


              • اختياره هو
                • 23-06-2009
                • 5311

                رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                Ramadan 21st 1432

                August 22, 2011 3:35 am

                In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

                Today was the most tense day so far, right when we arrived Zoghby and his helpers came and started arguing with uncle Showky. Uncle Showky talked about Zoghby being a threat on one of the debates and today they wanted uncle Showky to apologize to him on air.
                Uncle Showky refused and they said they would stop the show if he didn’t apologize.
                But uncle Showky stayed strong as allways and answered:”To Hell with the show.”
                After Zoghby left some other people continued arguing with uncle Showky and started insulting him until Showky got mad at them. As always there was a clash between Mohammed Saber and uncle Showky and the Manager said to Mohammed Saber: “If you wanna kill Showky don’t do it on the show.”

                While Uncle Showky was debating they came to our room and asked to talk to Abdullah.
                They asked him about the Arrivals and what his aim was making it and if they could interview him about it on another show. They’re obviously planning something and as we’ve seen so far, they try to discredit and humiliate any shiite on all their shows.

                There was also a suspicious van that parked close to Mohammed Hossams car with people in it. When we started to leave the tires were making weird noises and on his way home Mohammed Hossam had a flat tire again. Thats the third tire and it’s becoming hard to believe that it’s all a coincidence. The Ansars are feeling more and more uncomfortable going to the Safa channel as the hate towards us increases with each day.

                We pray that Allah protects us and gives us patience to go through these last days of the debate.

                Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammed Wa Ale Muhammed Al A’imma Wal Mahdiyeen Wasallam Tasliman Katheera

                Update by Ali
                السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                • اختياره هو
                  • 23-06-2009
                  • 5311

                  رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                  Ramadan 22nd 1432

                  August 23, 2011 4:01 am

                  In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

                  Today On our way to the show we had a flat tire minutes away from the building. Showky had to walk the distance to the Safa Studio as we changed the fourth flat tire we have had in the past several days. We knew beyond a doubt it was from the Safa people. How do we know? Well we went to the tire place and guess what we found in three of the four tires on our car????? 4-5 inch nails. This is plain evidence of what the van was doing parked by our car and how Safa is using these thuggish and illegal tactics of destructing other people’s cars. In fact it could have been attempted murder as they know the average person drives about 100 mph on the highway leaving their studio. It is truly a miracle we are safe. Here is photographic evidence of their treachery. No wonder yesterday when we got into the car and were leaving the parked place by the van, the tires made a popping sound as though we just ran over something that crackled. All praises due to Allah who exposed them on the night of power. And Allah gave us a gift as well when we returned on this night of Power (laylat al Qadr), a brother I have known for a couple years now, who used to be from a strict Sunni, maybe even borderline wahabbi family, announced his pledge of allegiance to Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s. Congratulations and blessed is he!!! I won’t mention his name due to his family and situation he is in but he is a dear dear brother. I welcome him to the Ansar of Egypt family. Praying this night was especially amazing.

                  Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammed Wa Ale Muhammed Al A’imma Wal Mahdiyeen Wasallam Tasliman Katheera

                  Update by Abdullah Hashem

                  السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                  • اختياره هو
                    • 23-06-2009
                    • 5311

                    رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                    Ramadan 23rd 1432

                    August 24, 2011 2:57 am

                    Today Shawky, Muhammad Hossam, Hamed Shawky, Muhammad Shawky & i went to the Safa channel studio. Shawky went in the studio with his two sons to help him, Muhammad Hossam & I stayed in the car waiting for them to come out once the show start & to watch the car in case of any new incidents arising. They came to us about 20 minutes late because it turned out that the show started late this evening due to some urgent program taking place in the time of Shawky’s show. Alhamdulillah things went fine today, even the show was peaceful somehow according to Shawky’s words. The channel signal is still being interfered but there’s a new frequency for it now anyway.

                    Fi Aman Allah

                    Update by Tamer “The Hammer”

                    Ramadan 24th 1432

                    August 25, 2011 11:39 pm

                    Al Salam Alaykom,

                    Today the same team from yesterday went to the studio. The traffic was horrible due to an accident on the highway. Alhamdulillah we arrived at the studio at 10:10 and we parked the car slightly far from the studio, just as we did yesterday. Shawky’s sons went in with him while we stayed outside. People from the station refused to help Shawky’s sons with programming the satellite receiver so they can watch the show, so Muhammad Hossam had to get inside to do it and i stayed watching the car, but unfortunatley they weren’t able to do so, so they came out and we all stayed together for a while then they had to go back inside.

                    Masha’Allah today Shawky was on fire to the extent that they asked him during the break to retreat from the debate on air, of course he refused, so they had to wrap the show up but at the same time keep their good image, so they thanked him all of a sudden on air and announced that today’s show was the last! and they cut-off his mic during his ending speech! We knew later that it was already pre-planned to end the whole debate tonight since some of the staff told us that the station decided on the 22nd that there is only two shows left. So you can say that the show was like a thorn in their side.

                    So alhamdulillah the whole show was victorious.

                    May Allah accept our works and unite all the ansars from all over the world under the banner of our Imam (as) soon.

                    Fi Aman Allah.

                    Update by Tamer “The Hammer”

                    SIDE NOTE BY ABDULLAH HASHEM:

                    2 other things are important to be mentioned.

                    1. Subhanallah SAFA withdrew from the debate thus announcing that it lost to Showky on the 24th night of Ramadan. The number 24 being synchronistic for the fact that there are 12 Imams and 12 Mahdis, a total number of 24.

                    2. It is important also to note that perhaps a reason why they withdrew was this blog for tonight Sheikh Khaled Wasabi said to Showky “Yea we have been following the blog set up by Abdullah Hashem and the guys and they were lying about me saying I said Joe should take a knife and cut himself and thus he will be a true Shia” I say Khaled Wasabi, if you are reading this, and you most likely are, you and the Safa crew, then know that you are liars. I was standing next to Joe along with the guys when you made that statement and you def. did make the statement. Liar.

                    Abdullah Hashem

                    Here are some final words of Uncle Showky and events of the 24th highlighting Safa’s withdraw and loss from the debate as well as their challenge to Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s.:

                    Showky Final Words
                    Last edited by اختياره هو; 26-08-2011, 05:59.
                    السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                    • وا احمداه
                      • 22-09-2008
                      • 833

                      رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                      لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم!! ما هذه الاخلاق ؟ ما هذا الحقد؟؟ عن اي اسلام يتحدثون و الله ما جايب العار للاسلام الا انتم يا وهابية نسأل الله ان يرينا فيكم عدله.
                      ان شاء الله محفوظين بكهيعص و حمعسق ...لا تخافوا و لا تحزنوا انتم الاعلون و لا قوة الا بالله.


                      • GAYSH AL GHADAB
                        • 13-12-2009
                        • 1797

                        رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                        لم افهم شيء ياريت احد الاخوة ياخذ الموضوع ويترجمه بصفحة اخرى بالعربي
                        حتى نفهم شنو الي صاير


                        • Bushra
                          • 24-12-2009
                          • 306

                          رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                          Ramadan 1st 1432
                          August 5, 2011 2:30 pm
                          Basically today was the first day of Ramadan. Showky called me the night before telling me to prepare, that Safa had called him and invited him to be on debates throughout the month of Ramadan. Abdel Aal Salima refused the invite this year, and they also called Safaa Al Awady but due to him not being able to enter Egypt since his arrest last year during the debates, he recommended that Showky be the one to debate. Showky said he still must get the approval of the Ansar and the Imam a.s. but he would go talk with Safa and see what they proposed. So I went with Showky along with Ahmed Showky (his son) and Joe McGowen and Mohammed Hossam. The moment we walked up to the building we saw Mohammed Saber, the host for the show Kalamat Sawaa’ on Safa. The first thing he said was “Is not the curse of Allah upon the Shia?” or “May Allah curse the Shia” Something like that. It was very rude and I was greatly offended but tried to play cool for the sake of Showky. Me and Joe took pictures with Mohammed Saber and Saber and the other Salafi guy who is actually debating Showky, I think his name is Khaled Wasabi, tried to convince me and Joe to become Sunni. Other than that, they just talked about contract conditions with Showky, topics, etc. Oh yea, we also met a guy who was on the show during the first two days of Ramadan since Showky couldn’t appear until he got permission. This guy was allegedly a shia but he followed an Imam Mahdi from Egypt and he said he was his vicegerent or vice president or something. He was a weird guy and also said that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia would be the one who would give victory to his Mahdi. I felt sorry for the guy actually, especially since they were making fun of hi
                          m hardcore on the show. Here is a link to his show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGdfbvITsI

                          اليوم هو اليوم الأول من رمضان. اتصل بي شوقي الليلة الماضية ليخبرني أن أستعد لأن قناة صفا اتصلت به لتدعوه للتحاور خلال المناظرات في شهر رمضان، و بما أن عبد العال سليمة لم يقبل الدعوة هذه السنة و كذلك صفاء العوادي لأنه لا يستطيع الدخول إلى مصر بسبب اعتقاله خلال المناظرات في السنة الماضية، فقد أوصى صفاء أن يكون شوقي من يناظر هذه السنة. قال شوقي أنه ما زال عليه اخذ موافقة الأنصار و الإمام ع، لكنه سيذهب إلى قناة صفا ليرى ما مخططهم. و هكذا ذهبت مع شوقي يرافقنا أحمد شوقي (ابنه) و Joe McGowen و محمد حسام، و بمجرد وصولنا إلى المبنى هناك التقينا بمذيع برنامج "كلمة سواء" و هو محمد صابر، فكان أول ما قاله "ألا لعنة الله على الشيعة" أو "لعنة الله على الشيعة"، شيء من هذا القبيل... لقد احسست بالإهانة كثيرا لكني تمالكت هدوئي لأجل شوقي. أخذت أنا و Joe بعض الصور مع محمد صابر و صابر و الرجل السلفي الآخر الذي سيحاور شوقي الذي كان يحاول اقناعني و Joe بالدخول في المذهب السنيّ، أعتقد أن اسمه كان خالد وصابي، و لم يتحدثوا في شيء آخر إلا مع شوقي عن شروط المناظرة و المواضيع... الخ. أوه نعم، التقينا كذلك بشخص ظهر في الحلقتين الأوليتين من البرنامج لأن شوقي لم يستطع الظهور حتى حصل على الموافقة، كان الرجل شيعيا لكنه كان يتبع إمام مهدي آخر من مصر، حيث قال أنه وكيله أو نائبه أو شيء كهذا... كان شخصا غريبا إذ قال أيضا أن ملك السعودية عبد الله هو الذي سينصر إمامه في مصر. في الحقيقة، شعرت بالأسف لأجله، خصوصا أن استهزاءهم و سخريتهم به كانت جلية خلال البرنامج. هذا رابط لبرنامجه: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGdfbvITsI

                          للتفاصيل اضغط الصورة


                          • Bushra
                            • 24-12-2009
                            • 306

                            رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                            Ramadan 2nd 1432
                            August 5, 2011 2:42 pm

                            Today was the second day of Ramadan, still no approval from the Ansar for the debate. They want some terms and conditions on the contract changed since they know how shady the Safa programmers are. They also want to ensure the safety of Showky and the rest of us guys going as much as they can. So today Joe switched turns and Showky and I and Ali Rida and Mohammed Hossam and Ahmed Showky went. We negotiated the compensation for the car and gas and food. (They don’t pay the speaker for appearing on TV) They offered Showky 200 Egyptian pounds in daily compensation for gas and such but I was able to talk them up to 400 Egyptian pounds using the excuse too that Showky lives hours away and would need a place to stay every night. We also got to see some Salafi Sheikhs and stuff walking around the Studio. One of the set guys Ahmed Shaban (he was in charge of negotiating the contract with us) seemed to be nervous and he told me the reason he was nervous was because the manager was angry there were Americans in the Studio and such. He said that if there was a problem, they didn’t want issues with the American embassy. I wonder what kind of problems they are expecting? Hmmmm.. Calling the police on the Ansar again perhaps?????
                            اليوم الثاني من رمضان، و لم يحصل شوقي على الموافقة من الأنصار بعد، إنهم يريدون تغيير بعض البنود و الشروط لأنهم يعرفون كم منسقي صفا مثيرون للريبة، كما أن الأنصار يريدون التيقن من سلامتنا نحن و شوقي قدر الإمكان برحيلنا هناك. وهكذا، تبادل Joe اليوم الأدوار، و ذهبنا أنا و شوقي و علي رضا و محمد حسام و أحمد شوقي. لقد تناقشنا عن تعويضات السيارة و الوقود و الطعام (إنهم لا يدفعون للمتحدث لظهوره على التلفاز)، و بذلك قدموا لشوقي 200 جنيه مصري للاستهلاك اليومي للوقود و كذا.. لكني استطعت رفعها إلى 400 جنيه إذ أقنعتهم بحجة أن شوقي يعيش على بعد ساعات و أنه سيحتاج إلى مكان يقيم فيه كل ليلة. رأينا أيضا بعض شيوخ السلف و الطاقم يتجولون في الاستديو. أحد أفراد الجهاز (أحمد شبان، و هو من تولى مناقشتنا عن شروط المعاهدة) بدى متوترا و أبدى لي السبب قائلا أن المدير كان غضبانا من تواجد أمريكان بالاستديو و من هذا القبيل.. لقد قال أنه إن حدثت أية مشكلة فهم غير مستعدين لمواجهة مسائل مع القنصلية الأمريكية. أتساءل أي نوع من المشاكل يتوقعونها!؟.. همممم.... ربما استدعاء الشرطة على الأنصار مرة أخرى؟؟؟؟

                            للتفاصيل اضغط الصورة


                            • Bushra
                              • 24-12-2009
                              • 306

                              رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                              Ramadan 3rd 1432
                              August 5, 2011 2:59 pm

                              Ok today was the third day of Ramadan and Uncle Showky and I and Joe McGowen and Tamer El Gamal (Verdi) and Mohammed Hossam went down to the Safa Station. Showky was told not to sign the contract yet as they still did not decide and there was a 10,000 EGP penalty on the contract for breaking it. Showky went down to the station and decided to go ahead with his first debate without a contract. He debated and totally destroyed his opponent, the Salafi Khaled Wasabi. Here is a link to the debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp-GtLHt9Ks
                              Other weird things that happened that night was the fact that there walked in the room Sheikh Mohammed Zoghby who is a famous Salafi sheikh that is always riling people up against the Shia and Iran and the Coptic Christians of Egypt. He said Assalamu Alykum and sat in the room not talking to us for the rest of the show. Made things awkward. He had a little helper with him too that kind of looked like a mini me version of the Sheikh. He just would look at Joe and try to say something and then laugh, always something about Shia but obviously Joe didn’t even understand what he was saying. Showky came out eventually and we celebrated his victory alhamdullilah!
                              Here is a link to a video of Zoghby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djKb7t1cMTA
                              حسنا، اليوم الثالث من رمضان. ذهب العم شوقي و أنا و Joe و تامر الجمال (Verdi) و محمد حسام إلى محطة صفا. قيل لشوقي ألا يوقع على المعاهدة لأنهم لم يقرروا بعد و كان هناك غرامة قدرها 10,000 جنيه مصري لمن يخرقها. ذهب شوقي إلى المحطة مقررا الخوض في المناظرة الأولى دون معاهدة. لقد ناظر و حطم خصمه السلفي خالد الوصابي تماما. هذا رابط المناظرة:
                              Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                              الاشياء الغريبة الأخرى التي حصلت تلك الليلة دخول الشيخ السلفي محمد زغبي (المعروف بتحريض الناس ضد الشيعة و إيران و الأقباط المسيحين في مصر) إلى الغرفة. قال السلام عليكم و جلس في الغرفة معنا لا ينطق بشيء حتى نهاية البرنامج، خلق ذلك جوا مضطربا\حرجا. كان يرافقه مساعد أيضا الذي بدا كصورة مصغرة عنه. كان ينظر إلى Joe محاولا التحدث معه بشيء و بعدها يضحك (دائما شيء حول الشيعة)، لكن الواضح أن Joe لم يفهم حتى ما كان يقول. خرج شوقي في النهاية، و احتفلنا بنصره، الحمد الله! ... هذا رابط للزغبي:
                              Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

                              للتفاصيل اضغط الصورة


                              • Bushra
                                • 24-12-2009
                                • 306

                                رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                                Ramadan 4th 1432
                                August 5, 2011 4:09 pm

                                Ok, today was a little weirder. So we got there at the station. People were acting kind of funny or strange and many of the normal staff was not there. They rushed Showky to the Studio and left us in the normal room where we watch. Today it was me and Ali Rida and Mohammed Hossam and Showky and Ahmed Showky. Safa pulled its first breach of contract today by not airing the debate live but rather video taping it. Perhaps this was because Showky destroyed him in the debate yesterday so they needed to do some edits. This caused Ahmed Showky to be very tense and try to reach his father to tell him. We were all wondering what was going on. Also a strange staff member came in and asked for all of our names which we actually did not want to give but we did. Why were they gathering our names for? Were they planning on passing it to someone in order they do a background check? There were many tense situations today due to their breach of contract and basically me and Mohammed Hossam and Ahmed Showky and Ali Rida were kicked out of the building and we waited outside. They didn’t tell us we had to leave the building but because Ahmed Showky kept arguing with them and calling them inside the studio, or calling his father in the studio during recording to inform him it was not recording live, they took all the seats and slammed a door in our faces. Anyway once Mohammed Saber came out with Showky they tried to be nice again. If nice is what you call their way of acting. Also they took us up to a room to receive a copy of the show and there they kept asking where we lived etc. it was strange. I have a feeling they might be trying to gather info on us.
                                حسنا، كان اليوم أغرب عن سواه، وصلنا إلى المحطة إذ كان الناس هناك يتصرفون بغرابة و غموض، و الكثير من الطاقم العادي لم يكن هنالك. لقد اسرعوا بشوقي إلى الاستديو و تركونا في الغرفة الاعتيادية التي نشاهد فيها. من حضر اليوم كان أنا، علي رضا، محمد حسام، شوقي و أحمد شوقي. ادّت صفا خرقها الأول للمعاهدة ببث الحلقة كتسجيل بدل البث المباشر. ربما كان ذلك بسبب تدمير شوقي لخصمه بالأمس و بالتالي أرادوا إجراء تعديلات، أدى ذلك لتوتر أحمد شوقي و هو يحاول الوصول إلى أبيه ليعلمه بالأمر، كنا جميعا نتساءل ما الخطب... كذلك، دخل علينا فرد غريب من الطاقم مطالبا بجميع اسمائنا التي لم نُرد أن نسلمها إلا أننا فعلنا. لم جمعوا أسماءنا؟ هل يخططون أن يسلمونها إلى أحدهم للتحقيق في خلفياتنا؟... كانت هناك الكثير من المواقف الموتّرة اليوم بسبب خرقهم للمعاهدة، و أساسا، طردنا أنا و محمد حسام و أحمد شوقي و علي رضا من المبنى و انتظرنا في الخارج، لم يخبرونا أنه علينا ترك المبنى لكن بسبب جدال أحمد شوقي و استدعائه المتكرر لهم داخل الاستديو، أو بسبب اتصاله بأبيه خلال التسجيل ليعلمه أنه غير مباشر، فقد أخذوا كل الكراسي و صفقوا الباب في وجوهنا. على أية حال، بمجرد خروج محمد صابر مع شوقي حاولوا أن يكونوا لطفاء مرة أخرى، هذا إن كان "اللطف" ما تسميه مع طريقة معاملتهم. أخذونا أيضا إلى غرفة في الأعلى لاستلام نسخة من البرنامج و هناك ضلوا يسألوننا أين نقيم .. الخ. كان ذلك غريبا، لدي حدس أنهم ربما يحاولون جمع المعلومات عنا.

                                للتفاصيل اضغط الصورة

