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مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس باقلام نجباء مصر

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  • اختياره هو
    • 23-06-2009
    • 5311

    مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس باقلام نجباء مصر

    مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    والحمد لله رب العالمين
    وصلى الله على محمد وآل محمد الائمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما كثيرا

    سانقل لكم ان شاء الله من موقع للانصار الامام المهدي في مصر خاص لمتابعة المناظرات على قناة صفا ما يجري في الكواليس يوما بيوم وتطورات الامور.

    نسال الله سبحانه وتعالى ان يحفظ كل الانصار في مشارق الارض ومغاربها.

    المذكرات بالانجليزية... ترجمتها BushraAlfarag مشكورة الى العربية في الصفحة الثالثة ابتداء من المشاركة رقم 27 (اضغط هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا لرؤية الترجمة العربية للـــــــــــمذكرات).

    ومصدها الاصلي هنــــــــــــــــــا.

    نسال الله سبحانه ان يحفظ الانصار في مصر وفي كل مكان وان يثبتهم على حق محمد وآل محمد (ع) وعلى دعوة الحق في هذا الزمان دعوة الامام احمد الحسن اليماني (ع).

    والحمد لله وحده
    Last edited by اختياره هو; 30-08-2011, 11:46.
    السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة

  • اختياره هو
    • 23-06-2009
    • 5311

    رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

    Ramadan 1st 1432

    August 5, 2011 2:30 pm

    Basically today was the first day of Ramadan. Showky called me the night before telling me to prepare, that Safa had called him and invited him to be on debates throughout the month of Ramadan. Abdel Aal Salima refused the invite this year, and they also called Safaa Al Awady but due to him not being able to enter Egypt since his arrest last year during the debates, he recommended that Showky be the one to debate. Showky said he still must get the approval of the Ansar and the Imam a.s. but he would go talk with Safa and see what they proposed. So I went with Showky along with Ahmed Showky (his son) and Joe McGowen and Mohammed Hossam. The moment we walked up to the building we saw Mohammed Saber, the host for the show Kalamat Sawaa’ on Safa. The first thing he said was “Is not the curse of Allah upon the Shia?” or “May Allah curse the Shia” Something like that. It was very rude and I was greatly offended but tried to play cool for the sake of Showky. Me and Joe took pictures with Mohammed Saber and Saber and the other Salafi guy who is actually debating Showky, I think his name is Khaled Wasabi, tried to convince me and Joe to become Sunni. Other than that, they just talked about contract conditions with Showky, topics, etc. Oh yea, we also met a guy who was on the show during the first two days of Ramadan since Showky couldn’t appear until he got permission. This guy was allegedly a shia but he followed an Imam Mahdi from Egypt and he said he was his vicegerent or vice president or something. He was a weird guy and also said that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia would be the one who would give victory to his Mahdi. I felt sorry for the guy actually, especially since they were making fun of him hardcore on the show. Here is a link to his show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGdfbvITsI
    السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


    • اختياره هو
      • 23-06-2009
      • 5311

      رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

      Ramadan 2nd 1432

      August 5, 2011 2:42 pm

      Today was the second day of Ramadan, still no approval from the Ansar for the debate. They want some terms and conditions on the contract changed since they know how shady the Safa programmers are. They also want to ensure the safety of Showky and the rest of us guys going as much as they can. So today Joe switched turns and Showky and I and Ali Rida and Mohammed Hossam and Ahmed Showky went. We negotiated the compensation for the car and gas and food. (They don’t pay the speaker for appearing on TV) They offered Showky 200 Egyptian pounds in daily compensation for gas and such but I was able to talk them up to 400 Egyptian pounds using the excuse too that Showky lives hours away and would need a place to stay every night. We also got to see some Salafi Sheikhs and stuff walking around the Studio. One of the set guys Ahmed Shaban (he was in charge of negotiating the contract with us) seemed to be nervous and he told me the reason he was nervous was because the manager was angry there were Americans in the Studio and such. He said that if there was a problem, they didn’t want issues with the American embassy. I wonder what kind of problems they are expecting? Hmmmm.. Calling the police on the Ansar again perhaps?????
      السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


      • اختياره هو
        • 23-06-2009
        • 5311

        رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

        Ramadan 3rd 1432

        August 5, 2011 2:59 pm

        Ok today was the third day of Ramadan and Uncle Showky and I and Joe McGowen and Tamer El Gamal (Verdi) and Mohammed Hossam went down to the Safa Station. Showky was told not to sign the contract yet as they still did not decide and there was a 10,000 EGP penalty on the contract for breaking it. Showky went down to the station and decided to go ahead with his first debate without a contract. He debated and totally destroyed his opponent, the Salafi Khaled Wasabi. Here is a link to the debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp-GtLHt9Ks

        Other weird things that happened that night was the fact that there walked in the room Sheikh Mohammed Zoghby who is a famous Salafi sheikh that is always riling people up against the Shia and Iran and the Coptic Christians of Egypt. He said Assalamu Alykum and sat in the room not talking to us for the rest of the show. Made things awkward. He had a little helper with him too that kind of looked like a mini me version of the Sheikh. He just would look at Joe and try to say something and then laugh, always something about Shia but obviously Joe didn’t even understand what he was saying. Showky came out eventually and we celebrated his victory alhamdullilah!

        Here is a link to a video of Zoghby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djKb7t1cMTA
        السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


        • اختياره هو
          • 23-06-2009
          • 5311

          رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

          Ramadan 4th 1432

          August 5, 2011 4:09 pm

          Ok, today was a little weirder. So we got there at the station. People were acting kind of funny or strange and many of the normal staff was not there. They rushed Showky to the Studio and left us in the normal room where we watch. Today it was me and Ali Rida and Mohammed Hossam and Showky and Ahmed Showky. Safa pulled its first breach of contract today by not airing the debate live but rather video taping it. Perhaps this was because Showky destroyed him in the debate yesterday so they needed to do some edits. This caused Ahmed Showky to be very tense and try to reach his father to tell him. We were all wondering what was going on. Also a strange staff member came in and asked for all of our names which we actually did not want to give but we did. Why were they gathering our names for? Were they planning on passing it to someone in order they do a background check? There were many tense situations today due to their breach of contract and basically me and Mohammed Hossam and Ahmed Showky and Ali Rida were kicked out of the building and we waited outside. They didn’t tell us we had to leave the building but because Ahmed Showky kept arguing with them and calling them inside the studio, or calling his father in the studio during recording to inform him it was not recording live, they took all the seats and slammed a door in our faces. Anyway once Mohammed Saber came out with Showky they tried to be nice again. If nice is what you call their way of acting. Also they took us up to a room to receive a copy of the show and there they kept asking where we lived etc. it was strange. I have a feeling they might be trying to gather info on us.
          السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


          • اختياره هو
            • 23-06-2009
            • 5311

            رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

            Ramadan 5th 1432

            August 7, 2011 5:28 am

            Today was the third show for Showky, tonight he completely destroyed the opposition, the salafi tag team of Mohammed Saber and Khaled Wasabi. The channel crew were so mad they didn’t even offer us any tea or anything to drink. The manager Usama actually was going crazy in the control room and we got to see what really happens behind the scenes at Safa. Usama was yelling at Mohammed Saber, the host, through a mic attached in his ear asking him to cut Showky off or make him look stupid and filling in answers to say things. Showky was not stopped at all and obviously destroyed them during this debate. The situation got so bad Usama actually walked into the Studio during the live broadcast and said to Mohammed Saber “Are you going to do your job?” Every time they would raise their voices, Showky the lion would raise his. The third show with Showky and fifth night of Ramadan. So far the score is 3 for Showky and 0 for Khaled and the Safa crew. Today also Mohammed Hossam and Khaled Wasabi made up after they got into a big argument over “So and So” the night before.
            السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


            • اختياره هو
              • 23-06-2009
              • 5311

              رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

              Ramadan 6th 1432

              August 9, 2011 2:10 am

              Today the Safa channel administration were obviously sick and tired of Showky destroying them at the debates. Before the show even started, we were in the control room and we saw Ahmed Shaban, one of the crew members on the phone with a guy saying “And you will claim to be a Mahdi”. Another guy saw me watching Ahmed while he was on the phone and quickly said “Be careful, they might think you are arranging it” We didn’t know what this was or meant. The show started and we soon realized. Once the show was on air a caller came through on air claiming to be the Imam Mahdi. He was arguing with Showky and it all seemed to be arranged just to make Shias look crazy and full of contradictions and false prophets. The caller soon claimed to be a Prophet and not a Mahdi and then he ended up calling the Prophet Mohammed sawas “The Ignorant Prophet” at which point people began calling into Safa complaining and they cut him off air. Subhanallah on these people.
              السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


              • اختياره هو
                • 23-06-2009
                • 5311

                رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                Today the Safa channel decided to try and use all means to block Showky from the debate. They gathered against him and even had the Wahabbi AbdelRahman Dimishqiya call into the show. Here is a clip for those who don’t know who dimishqiyah is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KefaZUX2zzc

                Then they basically stole all the time and did not allow Showky to speak for the rest of the show. It was the host Mohammed Saber, Dimishqiyah on the phone and Khaled Wasabi all against Showky in this episode.

                Safaa Al Awady also called into the Show and he was cut off air after 1 minute for basically saying how much they were all attacking Showky and for saying “Subhanallah you people aren’t even allowing him to debate” Usama the manager of the channel station Safa, immediately said “Cut this guy off air! Now!!!” Usama is also a host at Safa and here is a clip of him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFzOeLqTpNQ
                السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                • اختياره هو
                  • 23-06-2009
                  • 5311

                  رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                  Ramadan 8th 1432

                  August 9, 2011 2:37 am

                  Today was a weird and tense day. Me and Mohammed Hossam and Tamer El Gamal and Showky and Ahmed Showky all went to the Safa channel. We got there a little late, there was four minutes till air time and they didn’t actually go on air till 7 or 8 minutes later than usual. So the crew was already tense. Showky obviously destroyed them again so bad during the debate that the manager Usama was freaking out, Mohammed Saber the host, called himself on air a “failure of a host” and he actually ended the show early. After the show cut early, the crew and usama ran into the studio and apparently Showky and Mohammed Hossam heard Usama on the phone with someone saying “Yes, we had to cut the show early because Showky and the thugs he brought with him wanted to beat up Khaled” Showky said “Who are you talking to” and Usama replied “National Security” in a joking manner, although Mohammed Hossam isn’t sure if he was joking or not. Keep us in your prayers. If we do end up being taken in, please make sure to launch a huge online campaign, emailing all news agencies and the foreign embassies. On a personal note my nose bleeds have started up again lately. The ones I had and haven’t had since the filming of Prophets of Gods. After the show, we were basically showed the door, and Sheikh Mohammed Zoghby came into the Studio, for those who don’t know the Egyptian Salafi Sheikh Mohammed Zoghby,
                  السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                  • اختياره هو
                    • 23-06-2009
                    • 5311

                    رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                    Ramadan 9th 1432

                    August 10, 2011 1:24 am

                    Today was interesting. We got to the station Safa, Showky, Myself, Ali, Mohammed and Hamad Showky, and we were told we would not be entering the control room. We were not even allowed to watch the show from any of the guest rooms. Rather they set up a tv and sat. receiver in a bathroom like room and we were forced to watch from there. It was a little humiliating but we still kept our smiles in the faces of these people. Showky was suffering from a cold and subhanallah, Allah made it so that he would not have to yell during this show as the manager, Usama insisted that there be time slots, since the last show got so chaotic they ended the show early. Overall it was an ok show. Here is a message from Joe McGowen and we ask you all participate:
                    Assalamau Alaikum waRahmatullah waBarakatu.As many of you now know, Uncle Showky has been debating the Safa channel, and will continue doing so the remainder of Ramadan InshaAllah. MashAllah, I have learned so much from his manners and work ethic, and we can tell that the short amount of sleep, fasting, heavy weight of studying/preparing, and stress of the Safa crew is working on his health.He has developed a cold over the past two days, (coughing, light-headedness, sore throat, body, etc. etc.) He has handled it so well, and I have no doubt he will continue doing so, he is a lion, MashAllah…but I thought it would be good that we all read these two du’a for him, out of the book (Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya), The Psalms of Islam, by: Imam Ali Zayn Al ‘Abidin (a.s.)

                    InshaAllah (swt) Uncle Showky will grow stronger with each day, and Allah (swt) will protect him from shaytan and the evil ones among the jinn and men. We pray that this blessed message gets out to many this Ramadan, and that we all meet our Imam (a.s.) very, very soon.
                    Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen wa salam Tasleema Katheera.

                    Fi Aman Allah


                    The Psalms of Islam (Al-Sahifat Al-Sajjadiyya) by Imam Ali Zayn Al ‘Abidin (a.s.)
                    Imam (as) Supplication when Hostility was shown to Him

                    1) O He from whom is not concealed news of the aggrieved! 2) O He who has no need to be told about them by the witnessing of the witnesses! 3) O He who whose help is near to the wronged! 4) O He whose aid is far from the wrongdoers! 5) Thou knowest, my God, how so-and-so, son of so-and-so, has harmed me in that which Thou has forbidden, and how he has violated me in that which Thou hast prohibited, showing thereby ingratitude toward Thy favour upon him and delusion concerning what Thou hast denied him. 6) O God, so bless Muhammad and his Household, keep my wrongdoing enemy from wronging me through Thy strength, blunt his blade toward me through Thy Power, and assign to him a diversion in that which is close to him and the inability to reach his enemy!
                    7) O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, let the wrondoer not find it easy to wrong me, give me good help against him, preserve me from the like of his acts, and place me not in the like of his situation! 8 ) O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, and assist me with an immediate assistance that will heal my rage toward him and redeem my fury toward him! 9) O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, compensate me for his wronging me with Thy pardon and replace his evil action toward me with Thy mercy, for every detested thing less than Thy anger is slight and every disaster next to Thy rancour indifferent!
                    10) O God, just as Thou hast made me detest being wronged, so also protect me from doing wrong! 11) O God, I complain to no one but Thee, and I seek help from no ruler other than Thee- how could I? SO bless Muhammad and his Household, join my supplication to response, and unite my complaint with change! 12) O God, tempt me not with despair of Thy just treatment and tempt him not with feeling secure from Thy disapproval, lest he persist in wronging me and constrain me in my rights. Let him soon recognize what Thou hast promised the wrongdoers and let me recognize Thy promised response to the distressed!
                    13) O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, give me success in accepting Thy decrees for me and against me, make me pleased with what Thou takest for me and from me, guide me to that which is most upright and employ me in that which is safest! 14) O God, if the best for me with Thee lies in delaying the taking to task for my sake of him who has wronged me and in refraining from vengeance toward him until the Day of Decision and the Gathering of Disputants, then bless Muhammad and his Household, strengthen me from Thee with true intention and lasting patience. 15) Give me refuge from evil desire and the impatience of the greedy, and form in my heart the image of Thy reward which Thou hast stored away for me and the repayment and punishment which Thou has prepared for my disputant! Make this a cause of my contentment with what Thou hast decreed and my trust in what Thou hast chosen! 16) Amen, Lord of the worlds! Thou art of bounty abounding and Thou art powerful over everything.

                    His Supplication when Sick or visited by distress or an Affliction

                    1) O God, to Thee belongs praise for the good health of my body which lets me move about, and to Thee belongs praise, for the ailments which Thou causest to arise in my flesh! 2) For I know not, my God, which of the two states deserves more my thanking Thee and which of the two times is more worthy for my praise of Thee: 3) the time of health, within which Thou makest me delight in the agreeable things of Thy provision, through which Thou givest me the joy to seek the means to Thy good pleasure and bounty, and by which Thou strengthenest me for the acts of obedience which Thou hast given me success to accomplish;
                    4) or the time of illness, through which Thou puttest me to the test and bestowest upon me favours: lightening of the offenses that weigh down my back, purification of the evil deeds into which I have plunged, incitement to reach for repentance, reminder of the erasure of misdeeds through ancient favour; 5) and, through all that, what the two writers write for me: blameless acts, which no heart had thought, no tongue had uttered, and no limb had undertaken, rather, as Thy bestowal of bounty upon me and the beneficence of Thy benefaction toward me.
                    6) O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, make me love what Thou hast approved for me, make easy for me what Thou hast sent down upon me, purify me of the defilement of what I have sent ahead, erase the evil of what I have done beforehand, let me find the sweetness of well-being, let me taste the coolness of safety, and appoint for me a way out from my illness to Thy pardon, transformation of my infirmity into Thy *******ment, and safety from this hardship in Thy relief! 7) Thou art gratuitously bountiful in beneficence, ever gracious in kindness, the Generous, the Giver, Possessor of majesty and munificence!

                    Abu Dharr Showky vs. The Safa Channel 9th of Ramadan

                    Alhamdulillah Rub ‘alamin…the debate thus far has gone very well, MashAllah Uncle Showky has forced the Safa channel up to this point, to use dirty tactics in order to try and control the debate, and cut down the time of Uncle Showky speaking, because they simply can’t respond to the proofs he is presenting.

                    Many people watching the show, see Uncle Showky debating Mohammed Saber (The Host) and Wasabi, but what they do not see, is the many hands behind the scenes, feeding Saber and Wasabi information through books, mics, and working the phone lines, pre-planning phone calls with Sheikhs, and so-called “Shia” in order to discredit the belief in Imam Mahdi (a.s.). At any one time, Showky is debating at least five people, sometimes as much as eight, and MashAllah he is handling it very well.

                    Tonight’s show was arranged a bit differently by Safa, in order to cover up their actions on the 8th of Ramadan, where they cut the show off with 25 minutes left, because they could not reply to Showky, and the Manager back stage was having a fit, yelling to cut the show off. So they had to come with something, in order to make it look like it was Showky who was getting out of control, and their idea manifested to 4:00 minute rounds, where if anyone interrupted during the round, the time would start over.

                    Wasabi got to go first, and there were no interruptions, but as Uncle Showky began his round, Mohammad Saber (host) started in right away, promising that they would add time to his round. Now this tactic is not new from Safa, anytime Showky makes good points and going in a good direction, they interrupt him with ridiculous questions and comments, trying to throw him off. To no surprise by any of us, when Showky’s four minute round hit, they cut him off, not adding the time Mohammad Saber promised him.

                    The debate still went very well, and we all with un-biased approach, still give Showky the victory MashAllah. I pray they continue the four minute rounds, as this is a great advantage for Showky, and great opportunity to spread the Dawah.

                    A couple back-stage notes…they are not letting the Ansar sit in the control room anymore, they placed the brothers in a sort of restroom with a t.v. in it. Also, the control room were calling on one of the camera men to continue zooming in on Showky’s computer, trying to show the people what was on his screen.

                    This past week of preparation, study, fasting, little sleep, and debating is taking a toll on Uncle Showky. MashAllah he has handled it so well, but can definitely use all of your support and prayers.

                    Continue coming here everyday for behind the scenes updates, and voice your support for Abu Dharr Showky.

                    Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera.
                    السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                    • اختياره هو
                      • 23-06-2009
                      • 5311

                      رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                      Ramadan 10th 1432

                      August 11, 2011 1:53 am

                      Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (10th of Ramadan, 1432 hijri)

                      Alhamdulillah Rub ‘alamin, Uncle Showky looked much better today, and had a great deal of energy and had his wits back again, by the Grace of Allah (swt). We thank each and everyone of you who participated in reading the dua’s for Uncle Showky, and I truly believe that by Allah’s permission it helped a great deal.

                      Since the beginning of the debate, I have been praying that Allah (swt) turn the plots of the Safa channel over onto themselves, and I truly believe that is exactly what we are seeing. It seems obvious to me that they created this 4:00 minute round, in order to cover up them cutting the show early on the 8th of Ramadan, but it is truly a blessing, because Uncle Showky now has the opportunity to spread this message without any interruptions from Saber or Wasabi. MashAllah, Showky also did a great job calling Saber out, for cutting into his time, and Alhamdulillah, they actually let him start over with new time twice tonight.

                      The brothers said they were forced to watch the show again in the restroom-type room, which sounds to me to be a dressing room of some sorts, God Knows what type of energy is floating around in there. One thing brothers Tamer and Mohammad noticed throughout the show, was the text that was scrolling beneath. Here is just an example of the things that were being typed out throughout the debate….

                      (Text Messages): “I’m shia and I know it’s the wrong sect to follow, but I can’t leave my family.”

                      “The mahdi of the Shia is the antichrist mentioned in the Sunni Tradition.”

                      SubhanAllah, after seeing these so-called random phone calls, one has to wonder if they have someone at the studio, sitting behind a computer, typing these ridiculous messages on the screen, Allahu Alam. Also the brothers said that Mohammad Saber was on edge tonight. Brother Tamer said, “Mohammad Saber was extra rude today, as if he is running out of things to say. Mohammad Saber started laughing and said that the Shia idea of religion is that of a fiction (bollywood) movie.

                      Zizzou went on to say, “Astaghfir’llah he stooped to a whole new level tonight, mocking Imam Mahdi (a.s.).”

                      Astaghfirllah indeed, and we pray that Allah (swt) will continue guarding Uncle Showky from these people and their hostilities and plots, and Alhamdulillah for this blessing and opportunity, and we pray that this message reaches many around the world InshaAllah.

                      ***ATTENTION*** We are looking for any brothers and sisters, who would be willing and able to translate this debate into english, either in a text document, or with subtitles on the video. This will be a great service to the Imam a.s., and InshaAllah there is someone out there who can do this.

                      Allahuma salle ala Muhammad, wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen wa salam Tasleema Katheera.

                      - Update by brother Joseph
                      السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                      • اختياره هو
                        • 23-06-2009
                        • 5311

                        رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                        Ramadan 11th 1432

                        August 11, 2011 11:20 pm

                        Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (11th of Ramadan, 1432 hijri)

                        Today was the first time I have been back to the Safa studio since we were kicked out of the control room, and yes…to confirm, they do have us watching the show from a restroom. We made our usual greetings, and as I approached Wasabi, I said Assalamau Alaikum and shook his hand, and his first response to me while standing next to Abdullah was, “Do you say may Allah be pleased with Abu Bakr?” I wanted to say, do you only say Wa Alaikum Salam to those who say that? SubhanAllah!

                        Mohammad Hossam began talking with him, and asked him a question, I’m not quite sure what it was, but then Mohammad Saber (host) came out of the back room, and started yelling at Wasabi saying, “Don’t waste your time with him, he is a disbeliever! Kaffir!”.

                        The show was a bit more tense tonight, as Mohammad Saber cut Uncle Showky off several times, and after Showky would finish speaking, Saber would just call him a liar. But the worst thing that happened, astaghfirllah, Wasabi on satellite t.v. called our Imam, Imam Ahmad al-Hassan (a.s.) a dog! Cursing him on national television! Astaghfirllah! Allahuma salle ala Muhammad, wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen wa salam Tasleema Katheera.

                        Uncle Showky was furious and went off on both Wasabi and Saber and made Du’a against them, that Allah (swt) would exact retribution, and we should pay attention to this closely, as we know what happened to several scholars that were publicly cursing the Imam a.s. Being around these people is becoming harder with each trip, as they truly hate the Ahlul Bayt a.s. and those who follow them. Their agenda is very clear, and they are finding it more difficult to hide their hatred, and now they have resorted to openly cursing and mocking the Imam a.s.

                        May Allah (swt) protect the Ansar Allah, and bring us all under his (a.s.) banner very soon, and rid this world of the scholars of hatred and misguidance, InshaAllah.

                        Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera.

                        Update by Joseph
                        السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                        • اختياره هو
                          • 23-06-2009
                          • 5311

                          رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                          Ramadan 12th 1432

                          August 14, 2011 12:03 am

                          Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel(12th of Ramadan, 1432 hijri)

                          Today Wasabi didn’t even talk to us anymore, usually we would shake hands and have a smalltalk,
                          but today he just said salam and rushed into the studio.

                          They didn’t even give us a room to sit in anymore, we spend the first 30 min. in the main hall
                          and went inside one of the empty rooms on our own.

                          We closed the door to be able to listen to the TV and one of them would enter once in a while
                          to check on us and to see what we are doing.

                          The debates are becoming more tense with each day passing. You can see the frustration in
                          their faces. They totally underestimated uncle Showky and their growing frustration forces
                          them to show their real faces and their hatred against the Shia and the Ahlul Bayt a.s.

                          It went so far that Wasabi turned to all the arab nations on the show and warned them of the
                          Shia and that they should not tolerate them.

                          We pray that Allah (SWT) keeps uncle Showky and the Ansars safe and that He removes the masks and
                          exposes these haters of the Ahlul Bayt a.s. in front of the whole world inshallah.

                          Allahumma salle ala Muhammad wa ale Muhammad al A’imma wal Mahdiyeen wa sallam Tasleeman Katheera

                          Update by Ali
                          السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                          • اختياره هو
                            • 23-06-2009
                            • 5311

                            رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                            Ramadan 13th 1432

                            August 14, 2011 12:04 am

                            Abu Dharr Showky vs. Safa Channel (13th of Ramadan, 1432)

                            Assalamau Alaikum waRahmatullah waBarakatu

                            Today went about as good as it could go in a studio controlled by people who hate Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Everyone there seemed to be in a happy mood, even the manager of the studio, so I was expecting some big surprise, but Alhamdulillah…the show went about the same as it has been going thus far. One thing I have noticed, Wasabi and Saber are becoming more opened with their hatred of our Imam a.s. and cursing him astaghfirllah. Uncle Showky is bringing good information, but Wasabi always interrupts him and asks ridiculous questions like, “Who is higher, a king or a prophet”.

                            Another thing we have noticed is the text scrolling at the bottom. I have mentioned this in previous blogs, how they would make statements like, “I know Shia is the wrong sect….”, “I hope you die tonight Showky”, and the like thereof…tonight there was one that increases my belief even more, that the Safa channel is writing these texts on the screen. It said, “Showky is just a student of Abdel el Salima.” Could it be possible that actual viewers are writing these comments, yes…Allahu Alam, but could it be possible that the studio is sending out these text messages, of course it could. There is a heavy agenda going on against shia at this studio, in their commercials, their programing, their text reports…it is quite apparent.

                            A few of the guys in the control room have been extra nice to us, offering us emails, wanting to talk outside of the studio. SubhanAllah, Zogbhy was actually at the studio tonight, you know the one….the one that said that he will cut the breath from the shia, and “Respectfully” tie their hands and necks, and feet, and turn them over to the authorities. He said in that video that they would first go around spreading the Dawah, if the shia did not accept it, they would tell their neighbors who is living next to them and what they believe, and if that doesn’t work, they will “respectfully” tie them up and turn them into the authorities.

                            So I thought it would be good to go say salam to this guy, and he smiled and said Ahalan wa Salan, and his helper shook my hand, (the one that was mocking us the first day I went to the studio), he must of forgot who I was. But SubhanAllah, would you believe that after the show, Safa led Uncle Showky back to the office, where they all met…Showky, manager, Zoghby, Wasabi, and several others, where they were talking for some time. Uncle Showky came out and we asked, what were they talking about? He said, they invited us to Ifhtar on wednesday….

                            I started laughing in the car, and looked at Abdullah and said, “This must be stage one of Zoghby’s plan…!”

                            One good thing to note however, Alhamdulillah…over 8 million are viewing the show, and it’s being played three times a day, so InshaAllah (swt) the message and mahdyoon website is reaching many. Showky is doing much better Alhamdulillah Rub ‘alamin, we thank all of you for your prayers and support, and ask that you continue doing so through the entirety of this month, that Allah (swt) will make Showky capable of getting this message out to many, and that He (swt) will keep all the Ansar safe, InshaAllah.

                            Allahuma salle ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, al A’Emma, wal Madiyeen, wa salam Tasleema Katheera

                            - Update by Joe
                            السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة


                            • اختياره هو
                              • 23-06-2009
                              • 5311

                              رد: مذكرات مناظرات قناة صفا وما يجري في الكواليس بايدي نجباء مصر

                              Ramadan 14th 1432

                              August 15, 2011 1:20 am

                              Al Salam Alaykom,

                              Today Shawky, Muhammad Hossam, Abdullah, Ahmed and I got to the station on time, and here is what happened exactly during the time we spent there:

                              At first Abdullah was stopped from entering the studio to help Shawky setting his laptop and was told to stay out of the room, maybe because he has an Egyptian/American nationality and we already know from day one that they don’t feel at ease around foreigners! Or maybe because they know that he’s a director and don’t want him near any of their traps so they don’t get exposed.
                              We were told that they won’t provide us with a copy for every show anymore!
                              Of course we sat at the usual restroom-like room but what’s different this time is that someone came and joined us just to make noise all the time distracting us from watching the show, and when Ahmed Shawky tried to raise the volume up that guy told him not to!
                              So when the show started they started attacking Shawky without any obvious reason to the extent that they had to take an urgent commercial break.
                              During the break they compared Shia to the Israeli intelligence (Mosad)!
                              After the short break Saber (the host) shape shifted into a whole new cool laid down person compared to what he was before the break.
                              As usual Wasabi had his silly smile all the time.
                              Subhan’Allah while Shawky was talking his timer stopped at 3:13 for a while.
                              Wasabi was calling the Imam (AS) to come so he can be guided and he swore that he wouldn’t hesitate becoming a shia if the Imam (AS) answered his questions.
                              Well we still are not sure whether this entire quite atmosphere during the show is a new technique or trick they are doing or what, maybe they knew that yelling is not stopping Shawky and decided to follow a new agenda!
                              What was great tonight was the fact that there were several scrolling texts from people really interested about the dawa and the Imam (AS) some of these messages are:
                              Who will appear first? The Mahdi or the Dajjal?
                              Who are the 12 Imams and the 12 Mahdis?
                              Tell us more about the will of the Prophet (AS)
                              Masha’Allah there was even a scrolling text calling Shawky so brave.
                              At one time when Shawky talked about visions and dreams, Wasabi started

                              Mocking Shawky, and this comes as no surprise from someone with dead innate belief, someone who is only into materialistic proofs and unable to relate to anything except what he was fed all of his life.

                              13. At the end the shape shifted Saber announced that he was happy with today’s show and that he apologizes for any bad behavior he did! (Yeah Yeah let’s see what will happen on the coming shows)

                              Now last but not least, the biggest shock and surprise since the debate began; today they tried to bribe Shawky! Yes you read it right, they tried to bribe him with an unimaginable amount of money + a car + an apartment in the most prestigious place in Cairo, just so he can back off from what he’s doing, and follow the director’s instructions on how to back down and come off as a loser during the rest of the shows. well I leave the comments about that for you because I’m speechless.

                              Fi Aman Allah.

                              Update by Tamer “The Hammer”
                              السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة والنبوة ومعدن العلم وموضع الرسالة

