السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لقد استلمت عرض من شركة (vps.net) تقدم فيه سيرفر مجاني لمدة شهر واحد ... السيرفر نوع single node
بامكانكم استخدامه والتدرب عليه لتكون لديكم خبرة اكثر في آلية عمل السيرفرات.
عند التقديم على السيرفر ضعوا الكود التالي (FFMSPRING) وسوف يقوم النظام اليا بانشاء السيرفر ويكون جاهز للاستخدام.
نص الرسالة من الشركة:
We know that nothing can sweeten the deal like a special offer just for you. We’ve setup the coupon code, “FFMSPRING” that you can use to receive a single node from VPS.NET absolutely free for the first month. You’re able to use this node for any purpose.
A lot of people ask, what can I do with one node? While the options are near limitless, we often see our customers use single nodes for a development environment where they work tremendously well. Other users have found that the single node servers make great email servers, with customized blacklists, and antivirus options catered specifically to them. Some users simply like to use them asVPN servers (though we’d prefer you’d check out VPNHQ.com for that!), or to participate with great charity organizations like SETI. We’re not ones to judge, so feel free to signup and use your single node server any way you like!
وفقكم الله لكل خير
لقد استلمت عرض من شركة (vps.net) تقدم فيه سيرفر مجاني لمدة شهر واحد ... السيرفر نوع single node
بامكانكم استخدامه والتدرب عليه لتكون لديكم خبرة اكثر في آلية عمل السيرفرات.
عند التقديم على السيرفر ضعوا الكود التالي (FFMSPRING) وسوف يقوم النظام اليا بانشاء السيرفر ويكون جاهز للاستخدام.
نص الرسالة من الشركة:
We know that nothing can sweeten the deal like a special offer just for you. We’ve setup the coupon code, “FFMSPRING” that you can use to receive a single node from VPS.NET absolutely free for the first month. You’re able to use this node for any purpose.
A lot of people ask, what can I do with one node? While the options are near limitless, we often see our customers use single nodes for a development environment where they work tremendously well. Other users have found that the single node servers make great email servers, with customized blacklists, and antivirus options catered specifically to them. Some users simply like to use them asVPN servers (though we’d prefer you’d check out VPNHQ.com for that!), or to participate with great charity organizations like SETI. We’re not ones to judge, so feel free to signup and use your single node server any way you like!
وفقكم الله لكل خير