رد: آخر ما يحدث في غرف انصار الامام المهدي (ع)
آمنت اليوم الاخت الموسوية بالامام احمد الحسن ع نسال الله سبحانه وتعالى لها الثبات على الحق الذي جاء به الامام احمد الحسن ع بحق آل محمد ع
هذا اسمها في البالتوك al mosawia
al mosawia: this is the first time i join in here , my dad (mosawy) always told me about al jamani. i had no idea about who or what he were. but i definitly belive in him from now. or i guess so im 99% i just want 2 know a little bit more about him.. like how he told the people that he were who he was. and about his story
آمنت اليوم الاخت الموسوية بالامام احمد الحسن ع نسال الله سبحانه وتعالى لها الثبات على الحق الذي جاء به الامام احمد الحسن ع بحق آل محمد ع
هذا اسمها في البالتوك al mosawia
al mosawia: this is the first time i join in here , my dad (mosawy) always told me about al jamani. i had no idea about who or what he were. but i definitly belive in him from now. or i guess so im 99% i just want 2 know a little bit more about him.. like how he told the people that he were who he was. and about his story