الجزء الأول Part One
Damascus is Burning is a feature length film between 60-90 minutes, which takes a historical look into the influence of the Western nations, particularly the United States, in aiding and supporting extremists groups, which has built up to this time in supporting the Sufyanic movement in Syria, masked behind different names such as The Free Syrian Army, the Al-Nusra Front and Al-Qaeda
Inspired by recent statements from Imam Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) on his Facebook page, we believe it to be important to confront these groups online and inform the Ansar and non-Ansar alike to the truth and reality of their movement and their vicious crimes against humanity, as they are using the internet to fuel their propaganda
Damascus is Burning is directed/produced/edited by AbdelRahman Hashem. The film is narrated in English by Assistant Director and Producer Joseph McGowen, all hadiths are narrated in English, some showing the Arabic text and all Arabic videos contain the Arabic audio with English text. The hope in the near future God-willing is to also narrate this film in Spanish, Turkish, German, Arabic and possibly Farsi
This film is professionaly made with original 1080p graphics and has a very powerful and unique approach, which we hope God-willing will reach out to many, informing the people of the reality of this Sufyanic movement, along with informing the Western nations of whom their governments are supporting. This historical background and professional editing will keep the audience watching God-willing, until the end of the documentary where we introduce the Promised Yamani; Imam Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) and present his statements on the events happening in Syria