بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اللهم صلّ على محمد وآل محمد الأئمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما
اللهم صلّ على محمد وآل محمد الأئمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما
نقاشات Discussions ننقلها لكم عبر أثير إذاعة المنقذ العالمي the Savior Radio
Discussion about Jesus and the council of Nicea
The Lookalike of Jesus
Discussion about Completion of Religion
Discussion about Completion of Religion part 2
Discussion about the signs of the appearance of Imam Mahdi (pbuh)
Interview with Dr. Darin Smith about Ahmed Alhasan (pbuh)
Discussion about The 13th Disciple - part 1
Discussion about The 13th Disciple - part 2
Wahabism roots and curent representation
Discussion: Misconception about Islam in the media
What is the reason for prophethood?
Discussion about The Atheism Delusion with Bilel Mnasri
Discussion about The Atheism Delusion with Bilel Mnasri - part 2
Discussion about the sermon of Muharram by Ahmed Alhasan (pbuh)
Discussion about: The failure of democracy
The Doctrine of the Awaited Reformer
The Theory of Darwin between Religion and Science
The Creation of Adam and Evolution
How to know the Representative when He Appears? - part 1
How to know the Representative when He Appears? - part 2
How to know the Representative when He Appears? - part 3
Discussion about violence in religion
The Supremacy of God vs. The Supremacy of People
Has the Quran ever changed over time?
Terrorism has a Religion: Salafi Wahhabism
Discussion about Calamity of Thursday
Scholars vs. Imam Al-Mahdi
Do the Prophets have Attention Lapes or Forgetfullness?
The Significant of Brian Evolution With Dr. Zainab Al-Shimmari
What is the meaning of Jihad (strive)?
The Idea of The Savior in the Ibrahamic Religions
The proofs of Ahmed Alhasan (pbuh) within Islam
Ahmed Alhasan (pbuh) within Christianity and Judaism
Patience and The Vicegerents of God
Discussion about Jesus in islam