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The Yamani Has appeared , Imam Ahmad Alhassan a.s

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  • وا احمداه
    • 22-09-2008
    • 833

    The Yamani Has appeared , Imam Ahmad Alhassan a.s

    Alsalam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

    I would like to inform you with the best news that we can ever hear at this period of time. That is the appearance of the Yamani Ahl albayt. The one who Imam Al-Baqir a.s have said about :

    There is no banner better than that of the banner of Yamani, it is the banner of faith and dedication, because he calls to your possessor, so if the Yamani comes out, selling weapons to people or any Muslim becomes prohibited, and if the Yamani appears, stand up to him, because he’s banner is the banner of faith, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he’s from the people of hell, because he calls to the truth and to the right path . Occulation for Sheik Numani p264

    He is Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan a.s. He is the promised Yamani, and he is the successor of Imam Almahdy Mohammad Ibn Alhassan alaskari (aj). If we pay more attention to the rowaya of Imam Albaqir about the Yamani, we conclude that if the Yamanni's banner is "the best banner" , it has to be the banner of Imam Almahdy, as in, they are the same banner.
    - Al-Yamani is the successor ( wasi ) of Imam Almahdy (aj) and their banner can NOT be separate, just like the banner of Imam Ali a.s and his successor Imam Al-hassan a.s can not be separate.
    -It is evident from the rowaya as Imam Al-Baqir says "because he calls to your possessor" that the Yamani knows Imam Almahdy (aj) and calls for him.

    Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan a.s has came with the proof and evidence of him being a Hujja from the Hujjaj of Allah ( Successor of the successors of Allah ). He came with the will of the prophet Mohammad pbuh at the night of his death. We know that Ahl albayt a.s have told us about the Riser will come with the weapon of the Prophet pbuh ( the knowledge) and his will.

    Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan a.s came to reveal to us the secrets of the rowayat of ahl albayt a.s when they mention the riser or the mahdy. They are a.s as if describing two different characters.
    They a.s once say :
    - The riser will be handed the khilafa as a bride handed to her groom.
    - When the riser appears, he will not spill one drop of blood.
    They also say a.s in other rowayat:
    - When the riser appears, he will kill 70,000 from Kofa ( najf al karabala)
    - The riser will be brothers with the sword and will not give the scholars but with the sword.
    -The riser will kill albatrya (people who claim Imam Almahdy aj has no progeny) after they tell him" Go back O son of fatima, we don't need you here"

    Imam Ahmad Alhassan a.s is the first of the 12 Mahdis that will rule in the state of divine justice. The 12 Mahdis are from the sons of Imam Almahdy (aj) and they are the ones mentioned in the will of the prophet Mohamamd pbuh at the night of his death. They are also mentioned in alot of the rowayat of ahl albayt a.s , here are some of which:

    - Imam Al-Sadiq said: From us after the riser are 12 Mahdis from the sons of Hussain. [ Muktasar basa'r aldarajat p49]
    - Imam Al-Sajjad said: The riser will rise from us, then will be after him 12 Mahdis" [ Sharh alakhbar 3/400]
    - From Abi Baseer he said: I said to Al-Sadiq Jaffar bin Mohamamd a.s: O son of the prophet, I heard from your father (a.s) that he said after the riser there will be 12 Imams. Imam Al-Sadiq said: 12 Mahdis and he did not say 12 Imams, they are people from our followers and call for our matter. [ Kamal aldeen 2/358]
    -The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him and his family) said to Ali Ibn Abi Taleb during the night of his death:“O Father of Al Hassan, bring me a leaf and a paper”, and he dictated his will until he came to a position where he said "O Ali, there will be twelve Imams and after them there will be twelve Mahdi’s.... [Chaykh Tawssi, Ghayba li Tawssi p.150]

    Dear brothers and sister, This is a matter of great importance, the signs of the appearance has occurred so give yourself the right to look into this matter and investigate.

    May Allah show you the right path and bless you with following it.

    For more information visit the official website for Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani a.s
    Arabic: أنصار الإمام المهدي (ع) اتباع الإمام احمد الحسن اليماني (ع) - انصار الامام المهدي (ع)
    English: The Savior - Welcome to the Savior Website

    saihat jibreel.
  • لبيك_أحمد
    • 14-08-2009
    • 731

    رد: The Yamani Has appeared , Imam Ahmad Alhassan a.s

    وفقكم الله لكل خير عمل رائع يمكن استخدامه كبيان للنشر او توزيعه في المنتديات !
    قال الامام احمد الحسن (ع) المنقذ العالمي لكل الناس

    أدعو كل عاقل يطلب الحقيقة ليحمل فأساً كما حمله ابراهيم (ع) ويحطم كل الأصنام التي تعبد من دون الله بما فيها الصنم الموجود بين جنبيه وهو الأنا .



    • منتظر احمد
      عضو نشيط
      • 27-05-2013
      • 134

      رد: The Yamani Has appeared , Imam Ahmad Alhassan a.s

      peac upon him

